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FILINGS | December 2022

Welcome to the December newsletter.

I have recently returned from Europe and I enjoyed many gallery visits. In London and Edinburgh, I noticed the closure of contemporary jewellery galleries, sadly. Like here (and New Zealand), commercial galleries have had, and are having, a hard time. Public galleries are booming though! Here we have the big extension to NSWAG, but have they spent any money on new art works? I haven’t visited it yet. I visited the new Victoria & Albert Museum in Dundee. Great architectural space but not much floor space for display. The building itself is sculptural inspired by the cliff in Shetland. Here is the walkway between the two halves of the building. There has been no money splashed around in the contemporary jewellery world! Craft in general has been ignored. We must continue to fight this depressing trend. On a positive note, I have been selected as the JMGA NSW Inc artist in residence at Bundanon and will be there in March. I hope to reignite my interest in using metal, and create new work. As I was away, there has been no progress on the Helge Larsen Memorial Show. Soon I hope to report some action. All the Best for the Silly Season and keep up the good work at the bench. Regards,

Emily Valentine

Report From AGM


JMGA NSW chair report 2022

On behalf of the JMGA NSW I would like to thank you all for your participation and contributions to this organisation. We have instigated a number of new activities which we believe provide opportunities for this community to remain connected. However, the ongoing influence of Covid continues, I believe, to I have an impact on how we as a group interact, there is so much talent and potential in what you do and what we can be. I have been Chair for a number of years and will be stepping down at this meeting, I believe as a member run volunteer organisation it is in our best interest to share both the knowledge and history of this organisation, and this is best achieved I feel when the organising committee comprises both experienced and new members. This mix ensures both the longevity of your organisation and a continuity. I am wondering if there is a small voice inside you, asking whether or not you would like to consider contributing to JMGA One of the best changes to the way JMGA NSW members interact has been through the introduction of Zoom, we have always been an organisation with members that are national and international and now we are no longer limited to being a Sydney centric organisation. Committee members, subcommittee members and members who may have a one-off project can come from an amazing array of locations around Australia and overseas. As the outgoing Chair I would like to thank the amazing and beautiful people who have contributed their time and passion to your organisation. Rebecca Hindwood as your Membership Coordinator, Fiona Meller as your Treasurer, Emily Valentine for compiling your Newsletter, your Secretary and so much more Valerie Odewahn, also Assisting the Committee Merilyn Bailey, for loading your information onto the website and much more, Jackie Stone for organising and coordinating your Zoom talks, helping with mailchimp and the website and Erin Keys for helping with your Social media platforms. Thank you all for contributing your ideas and more at the meetings and thank you for giving of your time, for caring about and believing in this truly unique community of artist/makers. I'm delighted to list the many events and activities that have been organised over 2022. The biggest of these being the JMGA NSW Inc Profile Exhibition which was held at the Australian Design Centre. This much-anticipated event (delayed by Covid) went ahead in the newly refurbished ADC in August 2022, 73 members we selected as finalists and hundreds of works were on exhibition, Profile is currently on exhibition at the Hazelhurst Gallery if you missed it in Sydney, please visit the Hazelhurst Gallery website for dates and times. A List of activities undertaken by the 2021 JMGA

  • Profile exhibition, at ADC and at Hazelhurst Gallery.

  • Bundanon residency opportunity

  • Zoom Artist talks, arranged by Jackie Stone

  • Meet Buy Swap Sell, held at Stanley Street Gallery

  • Inaugural Helge Larsen award added to the list of JMGA Profile awards. This award has been generously funded by Darani Lewers and the Larsen Family.

  • Website updates and upgrades

  • Newsletter ‘Filings’, a quarterly publication edited by Emily Valentine

  • Committee meetings every six weeks

  • Next JMGA NSW conference 2024, liaising with various organisations to plan this exciting event.

I'd like to thank again all the wonderful people who have worked so hard on behalf of the JMGA NSW Inc community. Although I am stepping down as Chair I will remain an active member of JMGA NSW helping collate our newsletter Profile. Liza Feeney Chair JMGA NSW Inc I wish you and all your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


The 2023 JMGA NSW Inc Committee

The following is the result of the elections to the Co-ordinating Committee held at the recent AGM. Chair: Vacant. Secretary: Valerie Odewahn. Treasurer: Fiona Meller. Member Co-ordinator: Rebecca Hinwood. Newsletter Editor: Vacant. Liza Feeney and Merilyn Bailey agreed to continue to assist with the newsletter and Jacki Stone will manage the website.

Special announcement

It with great pleasure that we announce that JMGA NSW Inc have awarded Darani Lewers an honorary life membership, in recognition of her generous donation to sponsor the Helge Larsen award.



Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre Profile & Made/Worn On Show Until 29 January Australian Design Centre at Hazelhurst Three shows for Australian Design Centre are being exhibited at Hazelhurst Arts Centre They are - JMGA NSW Inc Profile Show Made/Worn -22 renowned contemporary jewellers working in Australia Masters of Australian Craft - Prue Venables, Living Treasures Series

Shown in Profile - ErinPearce_MillFoundry_Repose_Landscape

6 x 6 x 6" Miniature Sculpture Show 2022 Defiance Gallery Paddington Until 20 December Emily Valentine Bunnikeets Feathers and mixed media Photo Emily Valentine Entanglements by Kath Inglis until 17 December Bilk Gallery 403 Captains Flat Road ACT 2620 Carwoola AUSTRALIA Kath Inglis has an article and statement in the latest issue of Garland which is worth the read and to see other images of her work.


Please Note - Silly Season closures

Australian Centre for Design The gallery and shop are open Mondays to Friday 11am - 5pm (Thursdays until 6pm) and Saturday 11am - 4pm The Centre will be closed for public holidays including a short break over the Christmas period closing on 24 December and reopening Tuesday 10 January.

STURT GALLERY & STUDIOS Closed 25 26 & 27 December and 1 & 2 January 2023 The Bench Square Peg Studio Classes will re-start on 30 January



Open Call for Legnica International Jewellery Competition2023

The cyclical International Jewellery Competition is the leading event of Legnica SILVER Festival, organised by the Gallery of Art in Legnica since 1979. The competition is purely artistic, favouring the artist's idea and statement on a given theme. The interpretation of the theme and the artistic value of the statement is the basic criteria for qualifying works for the exhibition. The theme of the 31st edition of the competition is QUALITY.

  • December 30, 2022 deadline for submitting works

  • Go to web site for more details Studios Graduate Residency program for 2023 applications now open Have you completed tertiary jewellery/object design related study in the past 2 years? You may be eligible to take part in SquarePeg’s Graduate Residency program. The Graduate Residency program provides a rent-free studio space at SquarePeg for a period of 3 months. It is a chance for recent graduates to further develop their own work in a supportive, creative environment. Successful applicants have their own dedicated studio space and access to SquarePegs well-equipped workshop, tools, and equipment. Graduate Residents can work alongside the 14 resident artists of the studio, all contemporary jewellery makers. The residency provides an opportunity for mentorship, professional development and to connect with practicing jewellers at varied stages in their practice. In 2018 SquarePeg were the recipients of the gift of cherished jewellery tools of renowned Australian Contemporary Jeweller Margaret West alongside a beautiful bench donated by Sydney College of the Arts in support of their Graduate Resident Studio and program. These wonderful resources are available to Graduate Residents in honour of Margaret. “Margaret West artist, jeweller, writer, gardener and mentor to many.” SquarePeg Studios Graduate Residency applications for 2023 are now open – apply via their website Summer Residency 2023 – 6th February – 28th April – Applications now closed Winter Residency 2023 – 22nd May – 1st September – Applications close February 1st, 2023 Spring Residency 2023 – 4th September – 8th December – Applications close April 1st, 2023 Congratulations to 2022 SquarePeg Studios Graduate Residents: Catia Single Zoë Pollitt Kim Morrell

Meroogal Women's Art Prize Dianne Beevers and Melinda Young are Finalists on the Meroogal Women's Art Prize at Meroogal House, Nowra. The show runs until 22 April. So drop in if you are down the south coast. Melinda Young, The Bill Hold Parure, 2022, Oxidised sterling silver mounted on vintage napkin in embroidery hoop Melinda is teaching a workshop in conjunction with the Meroogal Women's Art Prize at Shoalhaven Regional Art Gallery, Nowra on Saturday 25 March 2023 where participants will transform a treasured textile into a wearable or vessel. The day long workshop will include an artist talk and guided tour of the exhibition at Meroogal House.

National Contemporary Jewellery Award 2022

The 2022 award exhibition ran from October 28 to December 18 at the Griffith Regional Art Gallery. The winner was Katherine Hubble with her work 'Cultured Pearl' and Nicole Polentas won the Design Excellent Award with 'Zygotos'. The exhibition represented the incredible talent of Australian jewellery artists and was judged by Dr Rohan Nicol, Dr. Kirsten Haydon and Ms. Bic Tieu. The Griffith Regional Art Gallery is the proud custodian of the National Contemporary Jewellery Collection, the only one of its kind in NSW. This year celebrated the 30th year of this important award.

Left: Katherine Hubble's Cultured Pearl. Right: Nicole Polentas' Zygotos © Griffith Regional Art Gallery© Griffith Regional Art Gallery



On Friday, 8 December Hazelhurst Art Centre promoted a large community event to promote the exhibitions which had recently opened. As two of the show are about contemporary jewellery, it included a "mini jewellers' market". JMGA members were invited to set up stalls to chat with the public about their work and sell work.

I was charmed by this work made from dyed fabric by Romana Toson.

Alice Whish also demonstrated at a bench.

In another area of the Hazelhurst Art Centre Fiona Knox was sprucing her jewellery making courses.


Work Shops and Classes

Square Peg Studio Square peg studio has many workshops in the New Year. Go to the web site to see all the many courses. Here are a few examples of what's on offer. This workshop - Make a Ring in a Day - would make a great gift! Kirra-lea Caynes teaches at many levels, and at different times. Her specialty is sand cast faceted stones in this continuation of popular UnEarthed series. Guest tutor and master jeweller Peter Keep will travel from his home in Western Australia to share his unique expertise and vast teaching experience. Join this weekend workshop.

Contemporary Jewellery Workshops Book for two special workshops with Vicki Mason and Pennie Jagiello from the Made/Worn: Australian Contemporary Jewellery exhibition. Make your own contemporary jewellery in these hands-on guided workshops. These will be held at the Hazelhurst Gallery. When: Friday 20 January To book call (02) 8536 5700 or email Vicki Mason_Blistering hot hybrid wattle flower cluster_2020_Photo by Andrew Barcham There is an article about Vicki's work in the latest Garland magazine.



Entries close on 15 January. Small works welcomed. I entered a couple of years ago and won the peoples choice award. It is a great fun community event and if you enter you feel very welcomed when you visit.


to and In the subject line Attention JMGA Filings, the next deadline is the end of Feb

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